Baby Jay
Meet Jay, a baby turkey who was sadly rejected by his mother. We took him in and hand-raised him, and now he’s the friendliest, cuddliest little guy around. He can do no wrong in our eyes! Not the case for the big turkeys who think Jay is a bit too big for his boots! Your support can help us give him the love and care he needs.

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Jay's Story
Meet Jay: The Turkey Who Stole Our Hearts. Jay's journey began with a bit of a tumble. As a day-old poult, he was found wandering after falling from his mother’s nest, which was about 10 feet off the ground. After being returned to the nest, he was discovered again the next day, this time with a bruised peck mark on his head. It became clear that mama turkey was not interested in raising him.
Recognising his need for care, we decided to hand-raise Jay. Initially, we thought he was a boy due to his impressive puffing and dance moves, but as he grows, we’re starting to wonder if he might actually be a girl! We chose the name Jay as a nod to both possibilities.
What truly sets Jay apart is his affectionate nature. He’s the only turkey who lets us hug him! Simply put your hand palm up on the ground, and he’ll hop on for a cuddle. Jay also loves to perch on the back of a chair on the porch, peering through the window and pecking for attention. He is getting bigger now, but will always be Baby Jay to us!
By sponsoring Jay, you’re supporting his journey and helping us in providing a safe and nurturing home for this special turkey!